In the US alone, psoriasis affects around 7.5 million people. Are you suffering from psoriasis in New York and have failed to get it under control? Located in two convenient locations in Midtown East and Murray Hill, the highly-trained and experienced dermatologists at Manhattan Dermatology offer state-of-the-art medical care, focusing on individualized care for all patients.
The providers are known to offer safe and effective treatments, such as immunotherapy, for multiple psoriasis forms. These treatments will not only address the underlying condition, but also enhance your overall health and wellness. Visit the website or call Manhattan Dermatology today to schedule an appointment.
What Is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that speeds up the skin cell’s life cycle. These cells build up rapidly, producing red and scaly patches on your skin’s surface. More often than not, these patches are painful and itchy. Because there’s no proven cure for psoriasis, the treatment mainly helps manage your symptoms.
Psoriasis patches might appear on any body part. However, they will mainly occur on the elbows, knees, back, and scalp. These patches come in different sizes and can cover an extensive area of your skin. There are multiple forms of psoriasis, and each come with their share of symptoms. Some of the most prevalent types of psoriasis include plaque, guttate, inverse, and nail. Other forms of psoriasis include erythrodermic, psoriatic arthritis, and pustular.
What are the Symptoms of Psoriasis?
The psoriasis symptoms you’ll experience significantly depend on the form of psoriasis you have. These symptoms usually occur in flare-ups. Plaque psoriasis develops as raised, reddish skin lesions, concealed in a silvery scale. On the other hand, white nail psoriasis affects the toenails and fingernails. This condition may cause one’s toenails to detach from the nail bed, or nails might crumble if you don’t seek urgent medical care.
Guttate psoriasis mainly affects children. It is primarily triggered by bacterial infections, such as strep throat. Guttate symptoms appear like small, scaly liquid droplets seen on a child’s legs, scalp, torso, and arms. Inverse psoriasis may be caused by a fungal infection, mainly affecting the skin at the groin, armpits, or around the genitals or breasts. Its symptoms might appear as inflamed, red skin that will worsen with sweating or friction.
How to Treat Psoriasis
Because psoriasis is a chronic disease with no proven cure, the treatment focuses on relieving your symptoms and controlling flare-ups. Ointments and creams are quite effective in controlling mild or moderate types of psoriasis. But if your condition becomes severe, your dermatologist specialist may recommend a combination of topical creams and oral medications.
Another alternative treatment for psoriasis is light therapy. In this procedure, the providers at Manhattan Dermatology expose the patient’s affected skin to artificial ultraviolet or natural light, hence helping you alleviate the symptoms. The team of specialists might also recommend immunotherapy to reduce the frequency of symptoms and flare-ups.
In conclusion, the Manhattan Dermatology center offers exceptional aesthetic and medical care. The services are tailored to meet the patient’s individual needs and goals. If you experience any psoriasis symptoms, or any other skin condition that you may be uncertain about, call or use the online scheduling tool to request an appointment.