Check Your Internet Vulnerability With A Modem Scanner

We use a variety of IoT devices in our daily life, most of which are not equipped with the security features needed for the safety of your data and information. Your modem may get hijacked by a hacker, after which they may intentionally modify its settings without your consent. 

Once your modem is hacked, the attacker can control, monitor and redirect your web traffic. For instance, if your modem has been hijacked, the hacker will be able to see when you visit your internet banking site, and redirect you to a fake site version. From there, they will be able to view your online banking activity and get money transferred without you having any idea. Home modems may be attacked if they are vulnerable, or if they are not configured properly. This is where a modem scanner comes in.

What Happens if Your Modem is Hijacked?

When an attacker hijacks your modem, any of the following things can happen:

  • The advertisements that you see while browsing through the internet can be modified
  • You may start seeing inappropriate ads on the pages that you visit, such as porn ads, game ads, etc.
  • You may receive warnings on your screen, implying that your computer is at risk, but actually it’s not
  • Your browser may redirect you from normal web pages to fake site versions
  • When you are redirected to a fake site, hackers may collect your personal information, login details, and even banking and credit card data

What Does a Scanner do?

If you are receiving any such warnings or ads, and if you suspect that your modem has been hijacked, then you can use a modem scanner to view any vulnerabilities in your system. The scanner will identify any open ports in your modem and check if it is accessible over the web from other IoT devices. With the help of scanner from Security for Everyone, you can scan your modem from a remote location and take the needed action.