Car accidents are not uncommon. It is extremely important to report a car accident to your insurer otherwise you will not get a claim. If you happen to be involved in a motorcycle accident then get in touch with a motorcycle accident lawyers in San Diego and if it is a car accident, then getting help from a car accident lawyers in San Diego makes sense. These lawyers help you settle your claims with the insurance company without any problem.
The intention of the insurance company is to get away with paying minimum possible money but these accident lawyers help you get the maximum amount for damages sustained by you. There are several good truck accident lawyers in San Diego whom you can approach in case you are embroiled in a truck accident situation. In an accident, the claim amount should also include the money that you lose due to your inability to report for your work.
Failure to Report Car Accident
In case you fail to report the accident promptly, it is a serious violation of your contract with the insurance company. The insurance company can easily refuse payment of any charges. And in such a scenario you will have to meet the claims of the other driver yourself. So, in case any kind of accident takes place such as a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, you must report it immediately without any kind of delay.
Not Reporting Accident Can Lead to Bigger Perils
In many cases, it is seen that people do not report the accident for fear that their premium amounts will increase. However, this does not make any sense. The cons of not reporting an accident can be huge. If the other party has a change of the mind and plans to press charges you might end up being in a messy financial quagmire.
Premium Charges after Accident
There are some car companies that do not raise your premium amount after the first car accident, provided you have a clean record before. So, it makes a lot of sense that you consider this thing in mind when you are getting or renewing your policy with the insurance company. This will without any doubt lessen your accident linked costs and exposure.
Possibility of Lawsuit
If nobody else is involved in an accident such as you hit a tree or a deer in the forest, then chances that a lawsuit might crop up are simply none. However, if the accident caused damage to someone’s ss property or vehicle then that person can file a lawsuit against you. So, this makes all the more important that you get in touch with your accident lawyer just after the accident. He/ she will handle all your issues and you can be at ease.
Nakase Law firm is of huge help in the wake of any kind of vehicle accident. Due to their immense experience in the field, they are proficient in negotiating terms with the insurance companies.