Besides supporting your head, your neck also helps provide a range of motion. It can be very uncomfortable and constraining to have to live with neck pain. Your specialist in pain management in Georgetown believes that education can help you avoid the pain and discomfort from neck pain. Below are five tips to help prevent neck pain.
1. Beware of tech neck
If you spend most of your time staring at the computer or on the smartphone, this can make you develop tech neck. Luckily, your doctor recommends several strategies to help navigate this risk. For starters, keep your screen at eye level. Secondly, ensure your screen is centered, to avoid having to turn your neck and facing that direction for extended periods. Finally, ensure to work in a place that has sufficient lighting to avoid having to crane your neck towards the computer screen.
2. Watch your posture while talking on your phone
Thanks to technology, mobile phones are becoming smaller by the day, and you do not have to cradle an oversized phone on your ear. However, you may find yourself forcing your head to one side during phone calls. Your doctor recommends switching your phone between the ears or using hand-held devices to avoid straining your neck.
3. Consider how you rest
Sleeping helps give your body time to relax and replenish lost nutrients. Ensure to keep your spine in a neutral position when you sleep. Use a low-profile pillow to rest your head when you sleep to avoid working your spine when asleep. Your neck should be aligned with your spine. Your doctor at Republic Spine & Pain can recommend special pillows designed to support your neck when sleeping.
4. Stretch it out
Keeping your supporting soft structures flexed and well supported is a critical step in preventing neck pain. If you are reading a novel on the couch or typing something on the computer, try to relieve and avoid a buildup of tension in your shoulders and neck by taking some time to stretch. You can, for instance, bend your head towards one shoulder and turn around towards the other shoulder. Stand up and take a short walk around your working area to refresh.
5. Strengthen your neck
Your cervical spine is charged with the responsibility of ensuring mobility and support to your head. To achieve these functions, various body parts must work together. Your specialist recommends engaging in strength exercises to strengthen your muscles so that they can be able to spread out the load in your neck evenly. Your physical therapist will work with you to help give your neck the required support.
The above tips can help prevent neck pain, but if you are developing arthritis, stenosis, or degenerative disc disease in your cervical spine, it is crucial to seek early treatment. Your doctor can help a lot to put you on the right path to recovery. Consult your doctor to get a timely and accurate diagnosis if you are experiencing neck pain.