Treatment Options to Help You Deal With Lymphedema

Swellings on the body can affect you physically and emotionally. Such a great impact on your general health can mean an inability to associate with other people. The best time to diagnose the issue is at the early stages to manage the disease before major symptoms set in. If you have lymphedema in Tobin Hill, it is crucial to ensure that you have an early diagnosis and the right help to manage the condition. Additionally, with the right health care in place, you can have customized treatment plans that check your symptoms and apply various ways to treat them.

How does lymphedema affect the body?

Lymphedema is a chronic issue that mostly requires a doctor’s long-term attention to keep the symptoms associated with it in check. You will notice the issue when you have swelling at various points of your body due to the buildup of lymphatic fluids.

The lymphatic system is a crucial part of the body with its ability to collect bacteria and other harmful substances within the body. It is from the collections that you get relief from various conditions. However, certain conditions can make your lymphatic system unable to properly perform its functions, resulting in swellings on your body. Your legs and arms are the most affected parts by the fluid buildup, increasing your self-conscious state. You are more likely to suffer from the following issues:

  •         Secondary Lymphedema

This issue is due to an obstruction in the lymphatic system. More people are susceptible to this problem than the primary type.

  •         Primary Lymphedema

You are more at risk of this problem when you have a family member with the same issue. Primary lymphedema affects your lymphatic system’s structural functioning, making it unable to drain the lymphatic fluid.

Major Symptoms Likely to Affect You When You Have Lymphedema

Swelling signifies the major signs of lymphedema. You will notice the swellings on your arms and legs with the following complications:

  •         Thick and scaly skin
  •         Frequent infections
  •         Decreased mobility
  •         Heaviness, especially in the swollen organs

A point to note is that the symptoms vary in people. While some highlight a slow manifestation of the condition, others suffer from extreme symptoms that significantly affect their daily lifestyles.

How to Diagnose and Treat Lymphedema

Firstly, you will receive advanced examinations that determine whether you have the disease. The point of concern for your doctor is the symptoms that help to determine the type of treatment. Consequently, the doctor will ask about your medical history, review it, and prepare a suitable treatment plan. Additionally, a review of your family’s history with the disease can help create a suitable treatment plan that will benefit you.

Your doctor may also carry out CT, MRI, and X-ray scans to help offer more information on your condition, helping to prepare a more customized solution.

Get back the quality of your life with lymphedema treatment from Hamilton Vascular. Understand how your vascular system works by finding the cause of your lymphedema for a more fulfilling life. Get the attention and treatment you deserve by calling or booking an appointment online.