There are many reasons someone may want to get an animal mounted. Whether hunting for food or leisure, some sportsmen like to keep mounts as mementos of their most exceptional hunts. Others turn to taxidermy to mark milestones, such as a first hunting trip or commemorative outings.

If you’re thinking of commissioning the service yourself, here are some steps you can take to help your taxidermist create the best mount possible.


Ideally, you would get the animal to the taxidermist as soon as the hunt was over. Due to conflicting schedules, distance, and availability, this isn’t always an option. Instead, you may have to freeze the carcass to prevent decay while you wait for an appointment. This should be done immediately, even if you anticipate waiting only a few hours.

Smaller animals should be stored in freezer bags rather than wrapped in plastic, as their hides might be damaged by too tight a wrap or jostling.

Don’t Feild Dress

You can disregard this step if you want a European Mount, but if you’re looking for a Life-Size Mount Taxidermy Sandpoint ID, a Rug Mount, or even a Head or Shoulder Mount, you should absolutely not field dress or drain your animal of blood, as this will create unflattering slits in the hide that the taxidermist can’t fix.

Handle With Care

If there is any excess blood or dirt it should be wiped away before it dries. If the animal is too large to carry, then you should use a sled or game cart for transportation. Avoid dragging your animal on the bare ground, as this can damage its limbs and hide.

Birds are at risk of molting their feathers during handling and should be bagged up rather than carried free. To keep their necks from breaking and becoming disfigured, tuck their heads under a wing.

Taxidermy is a great way to bring your love for hunting into your everyday life. With proper care, a mount is a keepsake that will last decades!