Businesses use a variety of equipment to get jobs done. But, tools and machinery can malfunction and cause harm to the operator in the process. Unsafe use of equipment in the workplace can lead to serious injuries and deaths. Workplace equipment should be inspected and fixed regularly to avoid accidents. Any worker who has been injured because of a faulty equipment at work have the right to pursue workers’ compensation. Ashburn workers’ compensation lawyers will guide them in every step of the process to ensure they don’t make mistakes that could ruin their claim.

Seeking Compensation and Determining Fault

If you want to file for workers’ comp, you need to do so right after your injury. You usually have thirty days to submit your claim. Once you have completed the steps for filing a claim, you must determine if you will get fair compensation. But, because you may not all the factors that can influence the true value of your claim, you may not know how much you deserve. Thankfully, an attorney can help you get an estimate of your claim and ensure you get only the compensation you deserve.

As your lawyer reviews your claim, they will look into the liability of your employer and a third party. If the equipment failed because of negligence, you must prove the fault of your employer in this matter. A lack of regular equipment inspection and proper maintenance can cause a piece of equipment to break and this is clearly negligence on the party of the employer.

Moreover, liability may also be assigned to third parties such as equipment inspectors, maintenance service providers, and manufacturers. You must prove the equipment has a faulty design or parts that cause your injury.


Ensuring You Get Fair Compensation

As an injured worker, your compensation options include those you can get through or a court award when you successfully win a lawsuit against the party responsible for your accident and injury. If investigations find out that your employer was not negligent in terms of equipment maintenance and employee safety, getting workers’ comp can be a good option. But, ensure you consult your lawyer before you sign off on an amount.

If you think your employer should be held liable for your injury because of gross negligence, you may want to file a lawsuit against them. If the equipment broke because of faulty parts or design, you can hold the manufacturer or maintainer liable. Because of the several parties you may have to go up against, it is best not to force the situation on your own.